Playstation Brand Films
Playstation Christmas / year ahead "Sport"
Playstation Christmas / year ahead "Action"
Playstation Christmas / year ahead "Family"
Playstation Christmas / year ahead "On The Go"
Each of the four Playstation films features a different pop score to compliment the tone of the film and game genre.
Audio post-production: Zelig Sound
Music: Aleah Morrison / Matthew Wilcock
Mix: Zelig Sound
Visuals: Found / Studio Output
"To promote new games releases over the festive period and year ahead we created a set of four films for Sony PlayStation, each showing real people experiencing the games.
Each film focuses on different gaming genres: action, sports, family and on-the-go (PS Vita). Each film has the same energetic, pop promo feel but has slight stylistic differences that reflect its specific genre – done through the editing technique, shooting angle and background graphics."